Healthinc Illume is the ultimate Radiology Patient Portal in the market and is actively enabling Radiology practices to provide a meaningful, useful and innovative service to their patients and healthcare professionals.
Healthinc Illume enables patients to access images & reports directly from their devices like PC, tablets & smart phones. This access is also suitable in situations where patients have to see different doctors and eliminates the need for costly hard copy films & reports.
Slash your film costs and realise a fast return on investment.
Provide safe and secure access; anywhere, anytime and on any device with Healthinc Illume Patient Portal.
Healthinc Illume is the simplest way to give patients clinical management choices.
Easy, secure access to images and reports at a time convenient to your patients.
Provide your patients with access to thier imaging and reports anywhere they need them.
Designed to operate on PC, MAC, Tablets and Phones. Access your images and reports on any device.
Through a combination of adaptive and responsive design techniques, Healthinc Illume will display properly and look great every time; regardless of the device your customers are using.

Key features of Healthinc Illume Patient Portal

We recognise it is necessary to provide access to Images and Reports at anytime and from any device. Designed to operate on Mobile, Tablet or Desktop PCs providing you access when you need it...

Secure & Encrypted
We take privacy seriously. We protect your data, security and privacy by using encrypted SSL technologies and following best practice security guidelines.

Empower Your Patients
Empowering your patients to manage their health record, enabling them to become an engaged health consumer. Put your patients in control of their information and who has access to it...

Free your patients from the burden of storing and transporting film bags to every medical appointment. Your entire patients medical imaging history including reports is in your patients' pocket (or their smart phones)

Slash Film Costs
Slash your film costs and provide film to only those referrers who require or prefer it.
Healthinc Illume leverages industry standard and open standards and will integrates with your existing website, RIS and PACS.
Not using Healthinc OCCAM RIS or Merge PACS? Don't worry; Healthinc Illume will work with all RIS and PACS products.
256bit AES SSL Encryption coupled with powerful authentication. Don't risk your the privacy of your patients' healthcare record.
Healthinc Illume is highly customisable. Add your own custom branding and colour schemes to provide a seamless integration with your existing website.
Distribute full fidelity. lossless, diagnostic quality DICOM medical imaging to anywhere there is an internet connection.

wave goodbye to expensive film costs

It’s been a long time coming – a low cost patient portal on mobile, PC and tablet for both images and reports thus providing our patients with clinical management choices. Maybe now we can stop sending out film bags.
Wayne Judkins
The Imaging Consultant