Radiology CAD Solutions
Pair class leading radiology CAD Solutions with your RIS, PACS today
Veolity™ is the reading platform for high-throughput environments. Built upon years of clinical and technical experience from large screening trials, it provides important innovations to improve the reading workflow and diagnostic quality.
Veolity is a leading Lung CT CAD Solution and have solutions perfect for full screening programs or standard radiology workflow and everything in between.
Merge CADstream is the pioneer in breast, Liver and Prostate MRI computer-aided detection (CAD), providing critical assistance to reading physicians by accelerating and simplifying the interpretation of large studies. Powered by state-of-the-art algorithms, Merge CADstream delivers insightful data visualisation and segmentation that helps radiologists characterise abnormalities, access priors, streamline reporting, and ease interventional planning.
Modules available for Breast MRI CAD, Liver MRI CAD and Prostate MRI CAD. Learn More